Thursday 23 May 2013

Eli's Crown Birthday

On the 1st of June 2013 we celebrate the first birthday of my son Eli Frederick George.
I claim this promise from God for my son's life:
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which God has called you, and that the riches of God's glorious inheritance be evident in your life. I pray that you will always be confident in the knowledge that the incomparably great power of God, the very same power that raised Christ from the dead is available for us who believe. I pray that you will be confident in the knowledge that God has placed you far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. God placed all things under your feet and appointed you to be head over everything on this earth. I pray that you will always walk in the dominion that was given to you by God and that will always walk in truth, humility and most importantly, in love - and that these will be at the centre of every choice that you make, every step that you take on life's journey. I pray that from a very early age you will recognise the purpose for which you were given life and chosen by God before the foundations of the earth and that you will strive towards that. (Taken from Ephesians 1)
Eli Frederick is named after 2 men; the first a fictional character from the movie "The Book of Eli" - a movie about a man who travels on foot (following a nuclear apocalypse) toward the West coast of the United States, to bring the last copy of the Holy Bible to a printing press / sanctuary on Alcatrez Island. On his journey the book is taken from him by the villain in the story, in the hopes to use it for his own personal gain. And in the end it is revealed that he was actually blind, the book was in braille but Eli had memorized every word of it and was able to dictate it so that the book could be written once again and preserved for future generations. After seeing this movie I decided my son would be named Eli. Secondly, he is named after Frederick, an uncle (not by blood) who passed away and who I love dearly.     
What a joy and precious gift you are, Eli Frederick George.